Friday, May 29, 2009

Invincible Athletics?

Rather than trying to plan this article meticulously, I'm just going to write.
I picked up the book 'Body, Mind and Sport' up at the bookshop in 1994
The first thing to state is that I don't agree with most of what's written. I don't need anyone to tell me what I should eat. I certainly don't need someone telling me when to get up in the morning. And closing your eyes twice a day is not the way to live a full life.
But the concept of exercise was interesting. Most people treat exercise as some form of punishment. You either do it or you do not. We were never shown the middle ground.
It was always this or that.
"I drink" or "I don't"
"I exercise" or "I don't do fuck all exercise anymore"

Basically, in terms of exercise, we have been persuaded to kill ourselves.
I mean, ok, pain is sometimes necessary. But isn't life full of enough pain without trying to consciously go looking for it? If you find yourself facing pain then by all means contemplate those great truths. Some of us have really been there. But with conscious exercise, there can be a middle road, and in terms of exercise maybe this book can help you find that. But please make your own decisions.

More on this later (maybe)

Should alcohol and blogging mix?

That is a big question. I mean I'm typing here without really caring much about who reads this. That is potentially dangerous (why should we reveal everything about ourselves to everyone). But why have useful ideas if you never share them?

Rhyw ddrwg yn y caws

hmmm, mae'r ysbrydoliaeth yn amlwg heno
Rhybudd - os ydych yn berson gwyddonol iawn, peidiwch darllen ymlaen...

Ie, hmmm, dyle eleni fod yn ddigwyddiad amlwg yn nghalendr y ddynoliaeth. Hynny yw, bydd y rhan fwyaf o bobl yn barod iawn i ddathlu'r ffaith bod 'deugain mlynedd ers...'
Pam felly nad ydym yn clywed llawer am yr hyn ddigwyddodd ddeugain mlynedd yn ol?

Writing in Wales

I started this to actually practice writing. After a few beers I realise that I'm too much of a perfectionist because I'm too eager to edit all the words. Why do we put so much emphasis on the impression that we make? To that end it could be useful to start podcasting or something, at least then the words can just flow without giving a damn about impression or vocabulary or about trying hard.

Anyway, enough catharsis for now.
Coming soon on this blog...

(1) My thoughts on invincible athletics
(2) My thoughts on the EMF debate
(3) 'Rhyw ddrwg yn y caws' - a speculative article (in Welsh) on what should be a famous anniversary this year...

DVX a meicrodonau

Iawn, ma hwn yn sylw eithaf bizarre i'w wneud am ddeg muned wedi un ar fore dydd Sadwrn, ond mae fy hoff fwyty cyri newydd gadarnhau eu bod yn defnyddio meicrodonau 'ambell waith' er mwyn paratoi eu bwyd. Beth yw'r ots? Does dim ots o gwbl, ond dwi dal yn gweld hyn fel rhyw fath o 'shortcut'. Ond dwi'n aml yn defnyddio shortcuts beth bynnag.
"You are welcome to view our kitchen too"
Iawn, diolch, ond dim heno. Mae gen i bethau eraill i feddwl amdanynt...dwi un gam ymlaen bob amser...

Friday, May 15, 2009

Golwg 360

I stand corrected...the website is now working and I've just read the latest sport information in Welsh.
Clever name too
Most people type in www.go... on a regular basis...

Golwg 360

Golwg 360 is a new Welsh-language service provided on-line.
This service has been given a lot of publicity today and I was eager to check it out.

What did I get?

"We can't find the web page you're looking for"

What a launch. I'm sure that with all the funding from WAG they could at least make sure that the new site is accessible. I mean only about three million of us live here.