Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A man who knew George Best

I love hearing first hand stories about legends, whether in sport or anything else.
I was fortunate to meet Brian and his wife Wendy on holiday.
Brian, originally from Dublin but now living in England is a successful constructor.
I commented that he bore a slight resemblance to George Best, to which he smiled.
"Did you know George?"
Remarkably he did know George very well and had even built a bar for him in London back in the seventies.
"Tell me more about the great man!"
Brian told me that George was completely laid back about completing the bar. Rather than fret about deadlines, he had set up a goal within the construcion area. Best's wife then, Angie, was doing all she could to drag her husband away from the workers so that he could complete an interview for the BBC, for which he would be paid handsomely.
Best wasn't interested in money. Apparently he would stand with the ball at his feet, goading the workers to "come and get it from me!". Dozens of workers would down their tools and try to steal the ball from Best. No chance.
"We just couldn't get it from him!" remarked Brian. "He would just display these magical skills like you wouldn't believe."
Brian told me several other anecdotes, some I could not possibly repeat here. Suffice to say that the man was a legend both on and off the field.
This may mean nothing to other people, but I love hearing these type of first-hand accounts. They make me feel like a 10-year-old again.

Monday, August 02, 2010


Rwy'n teimlo braidd yn flin ar ôl gwrando ar radio Cymru. Dwi ddim yn wrandwr selog gyda'r hwyr, ond roeddwn i awydd clywed caneuon Cymraeg cyn mentro i'r wyl nes 'mlaen yn yr wythnos. Ac er bod y ddwy gyflwynwraig yn llawn egni a brwdfrydedd byrlymus, roedd sawl cân Saesneg yn britho'r darllediad. A bod yn gwbl onest, dwi ddim yn gwrthwynebu'r polisi o ganiatáu ambell gân Saesneg os taw dyna yw dymuniad rhyw wrandawr sy'n dathlu achlysur arbennig neu angen clywed rhyw gân benodol. Ond rwy'n siwr bod modd hepgor y polisi hwn yn ystod wythnos y brifwyl? Yn enwedig os yw'r cyflwynwyr dan sylw yn darlledu o'r maes ieuenctid? Dwi'n credu bod y syniad o 'gynhwysiad' yn wych, ac mae angen cynnwys cymaint o bobl â phosibl. Ond un o gryfderau mawr yr wyl yw'r rheol Gymraeg. Oni ddylai'r rheol hon ymestyn i holl feysydd y brifwyl a'r darllediadau ohonynt?