Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Pratchett's PCs

I thought the first programme on Terry Pratchett was interesting. I was fascinated to see his PC setup. Wow! This man has six monitors!!! Why does he need six monitors? He answered by saying something like 'the only reason I have six monitors is because I cannot afford eight.' A clever answer, but seriously. I'm sure there is enough EMF coming from this single monitor, let alone six of the things. Later in the programme he mentioned that he had been suffering blurred vision recently. I understand that Alzheimer's is a serious disease, and he is to be commended for bringing attention to this issue. But you cannot help questioning the health implications of sitting in front of six LCD monitors for, presumably, hours on end.
What inspired me about the programme is that he is ready to do something about his condition. He is facing his disease with a rare combination of will and humour which will undoubtedly help others.


Blogger Rhys Wynne said...

Ar pa sianel a pryd oedd y rhagelen? Dw i'n ffan mawr o lyfrau Pratchett.

3:53 AM  

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